

SKU: Code-Gray-P-RM Category:


This card provides 6 patches of known reflectance (using a neutral photo emulsion) so that the reflectance reading ability of verifiers may be tested. ANSI/ISO 0/45 geometry is maintained for the calibration values supplied.

This card is also part of the UPC-SET-P-RM (32 cards total) and is sometimes referred to as the #2 card of the set.

The 6 patches of various reflectance have the following approximate values: 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, 10%, and 3% reflectance.

Gray patch sizes are approx 13mm sq.

Each card is individually calibrated and serialized, values are marked on the card. Cards are laminated to an opaque backing to prevent reflectance changes from placement on various surfaces.

Additional information

Billable Weight: 2 lbs

Photographic Paper


6 Density Steps


Opaque Backing



Overall Size

4.0 in. x 4.0 in. – 101.6mm x 101.6mm