APPLIED IMAGE, a global manufacturer of precision imaged optical components, test targets and charts, NIST traceable calibration standards, and photomasks, is pleased to announce the expansion of its test target and chart product line, with the addition of the QA 100-1-20-RM.
ISO 12233:2023 introduced a new “slanted star” test pattern to measure an electronic still-picture camera’s edge-based frequency response (e-SFR). This “slanted start” test pattern replaces the slanted squares used in the 2nd and 3rd editions of ISO 12233 but uses the same 4:1 reflectance ratio for comparison with results from the earlier editions.
The QA-100-1-20-RM is the first of several derivative products from this new standard. This product contains the following features:
- 1X size, 340 x 240 mm size, photographic material
- Framing arrows that define 4:3 and 3:2 aspect ratios assist in framing the target’s active area.
- A central multi-frequency zone plate can be used to set focus.
- Four-cycle slanted star test patterns with a 4:1 edge reflectance ratio provide Edge SFR (e-SFR) at multiple locations.
- Spectrally neutral gray scale patches with a 20:1 luminance ratio used to determine the optoelectronic conversion functions (OECFs) described in ISO 14524
- Uses our proprietary ACCUEDGE® manufacturing technology to achieve the sharpest line edge on the slanted stars.
This newest test chart is part of APPLIED IMAGE’s overall focus on product quality and responsiveness to customer needs and feedback.
Glenn Jackling, CEO, APPLIED IMAGE, said, “Our team is committed to providing a simple and straightforward product portfolio that makes it easier for our customers to improve product performance, first-time quality, and compliance. Our ability to provide the highest quality, objective test standards to the imaging industry, contemporaneous with new International Standards, is one of the ways we meet that commitment. We also provide a software tool to enable OECF and SFR measurements using this target, our QA-61-RM, and the QA-62-RM test charts.”
To make it easier for users to get started using these targets, Applied Image is making available, as a free download, its ImageCheck V1 Software to evaluate the Opto-Electronic Transform Function (OECF) and Spatial Frequency Response (SFR) using the slanted-edge method. Download here:
These test charts are immediately available for direct order via our website, here, by contacting our sales team at or at (585) 482-0300.