Case Studies
Partnerships That Work: Quality Custom Targets Within Your Timeline and Budget
The W. M. Keck Observatory, home to some of the world’s most powerful telescopes, aims to overcome unique technical challenges due to its location, setting a standard for astronomical observatories of its caliber.
Partnerships That Work: Custom Precision Test Targets Meet Defense Quality Benchmarks
Background MES S.p.A. has unsurpassed experience in mechanics, electronics, optronics, and servomechanisms. Through acquiring new technologies and developing innovative projects, the company has established itself as the foremost supplier of high-quality, complex...
Partnerships That Work: Bespoke Conformance Calibration Test Cards for Real-Time Label Inspection
Background In 2019, the Perceptor Inspection Technologies team saw the market opportunity to develop a state-of-the-art secure label print and inspection solution. They deployed their first desktop installation in September 2020. Subsequently, they advanced the...
Partnerships That Work: Outsourced Metrology Parts Enable Focus On Core Competencies
Background Clemson University launched a diffractive optics Ph.D. program in 2011 within the Clemson College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences (CECAS). They brought on board Dr. Eric Johnson, Comporium and PalmettoNet Endowed Chair in Optoelectronics;...
Partnerships That Work: Bespoke Calibration Targets for Image Quality Assurance
Background The NCAP collection includes combat reconnaissance and survey aerial photography. The former comprises mainly WWII imagery captured in partnership with British allies involved in the war. Survey photography involves systematically photographing countries or...
Partnerships that Work: Custom Checkerboard Targets
Background Control Automation Group, LLC (or "CAG") supports the growing demand for automation across various industries, including automotive, electronics, biomedical, medical devices, consumer products, and manufacturing. In healthcare, the increased prevalence of...
Partnerships That Work: Custom, Precision Reticles – Bullseye on Machine Vision
Background Ultra Forensic Technology has cultivated world-class expertise in creating high-quality ballistics imaging systems. The dedicated team at Ultra Forensic Technology takes pride in their crucial role in aiding crime-solving efforts through their advanced...
Custom SFR Targets | Case Study
Background “Truth in imaging” is a phrase that encapsulates Image Science Associates’ approach to imaging science as it applies to digital imaging and ISO standards. For Image Science Associates (ISA), located in Williamson, NY, it’s all about digital capture quality...
Raman Active Stage Micrometer Map | Case Study
This case study focuses on Applied Image’s work with a leading global CRO that provides various services from early development Phase II – III and pharmacovigilance to peri- and post-approval services.
Custom, Precision Reticles Solve Low-Tolerance Demands
Denz Precision seeks Applied Image’s expertise in designing a one-inch reticle with a machine flat edge to affix on high-performance cameras and projectors.